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Monthly Game Roundup | February 2021


Updated: Apr 23, 2021

Sorry, school is taking up all of my time!! So while I am still playing games on the side, I have no time to write posts about them currently... Instead, I'll list all the games I've played this month below first, then slowly write posts about each of them after my mountain of projects and exams conclude.

List of short games completed during February 2021

  • CAST A | 2 hours

  • ぼくのえにっき | 30 minutes

  • ごみやしき | 1.5 hours

  • Angelic Syndrome | 4 hours

List of longer games completed during February 2021

  • 迷い子たちのララバイ | 15 hours

  • Witch's Heart 知られざる過去魔女ドロシーの秘密 -完結編- | 12 hours

  • セブンテットクロス | 6 hours

  • Magical Deathpair (Episode 1) | 6 hours

  • 親愛なる○○へ | 6.5 hours

  • TOWER of HANOI | 68 hours (Still haven't 100%-ed it yet so I might revisit later)

List of currently in-progress games

  • Hidden Folks | 2 hours

  • Fitness Boxing 2

(Fit Boxing's not going to count for completion since it's an infinite game)


Leftover games

  • Gris

  • Death & Taxes

  • Pokémon Moon

These will carry over to next month, where I can hopefully complete some of them! Hopefully.


Report | March 1st, 2021

So as expected, this month was a lot tougher school-wise than last one and I couldn't get all of my target games completed. (I did get some other games done though!) Eventually I'll clean up this post and everything but there is this one class that is completely murdering my brain right now so it might take a while. Sorry!


Full Report | April 23, 2021

Sorta cleaned it up. All of the non-short games I played this month are really good so I'll eventually turn them into posts!

In particular, 迷い子たちのララバイ took me off-guard and really threw me for a loop with its awesome storytelling. That game is going to stick with me all year. The bad ends are actually great. 親愛なる○○へ also gave me chills the first run-through. I don't know if I'd call them FULL horror-games but they're at least 65% horror.

Also, TOWER of HANOI is literally the game that always shows you new stuff every run-through you do of it. I've beaten it 3 times but I feel like I can beat it 8 more times without seeing everything there is to offer. For a free game?! Amazing.

P.S. Yes I played 200+ hours of mobile games this month as well. Actually I played a bunch of Pokemon Masters in addition to ツイステ and スタオケ and 剣が刻. It's not my fault they're so much fun!!


Thank you for reading this far!



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