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How i got here

Though I've always loved games, I didn't have the opportunity to really develop a passion for them until relative independence in university (few years ago). So my "completed" repertoire is still very small -- but at the pace at which I'm devouring them, it won't stay small for long.

Game genres I particulary enjoy include

  • Puzzle games | picross, Tetris etc.

  • RPGs | MOTHER series, Xenoblade, Paper Mario etc.

  • Adventure games | Yume Nikki, Zelda, etc.

  • Roguelites & Roguelikes | Slay the Spire, Isaac, Spelunky 2, Hades, Monster Train etc.

  • Death & Deduction Games | キミガシネ, ダンガンロンパ (Danganronpa), 逆転裁判 etc.

  • Story-heavy games | Hotline Miami, Undertale (yes, I know), Persona 3 FES, Fate series, niche RPGMaker/Wolf Editor/Game Maker games etc.

In particular, I've got a soft spot for crazy stories and games that leave their psychological mark on the player (horror, thriller, mind-screwy games etc.). Scary games are a big plus (even though I get scared easily) and scary characters are even better! Exploring human decisions and society through games can surprise you.


I also like games from Japan and have become fluent in it after a couple years of study, so probably half of my posts are going to be about games entirely in Japanese. (The good ones usually eventually get English translations...I think.)



The Power of the Monado

One of my favourite RPGs ever. The battle system and the wonder of the world captures me like no other. I spend hours and hours just exploring the Bionis! (Not done with Xenogears yet, but that's good too.)


(Where the site name comes from)

The beginning of it all. The "mother" of so many amazing offshoots. Notable games in a similar style include some of my favourites LISA: The Painful RPGJimmy and the Pulsating MassOFF, and the world of others I'm forgetting right now. I still have to replay this series in Japanese...


My First Zelda game

I had to sneak around with my 3DS in high school finishing this one (so I didn't get into big doo-doo). It took me 150+ hours to beat all the Temples and collect every item... and I loved every second of it. I didn't want it to end! Majora's Mask is amazing, too, but Ocarina of Time is special to me.


An indie that kickstarted a revolution

It's hard to know just how much Isaac had on the roguelike/lite community. When I wasn't able to play any games, I watched over a thousand hours of Isaac; because of it, I started looking for other amazing indie games; as a music nut, Mr Baranowsky's amazing soundtrack exposed me to the world of video game music. The list goes on. Isaac will forever hold a strange and special place in my heart.


"Angels of Death"

Out of all of the different free RPGMaker games, like 魔女の家 (Witch's House), Ib, Mad Father, 朝溶けの魔女 (The Witch that Melts in the Dawn) and it's sequel, and countless, countless others -- it's this story about Rachel and Zack that stays with me years after I played it. I even bought the remake on Switch, I loved it so much! Everyone needs to play more of these games.


An innovative PS2 game more people should know

This game series is absolutely wonderful even though I played it (borrowed from a friend) before I knew Japanese. The atmosphere, the characters, the story -- a wonderfully underrated game that needs more attention. I want to replay this series very soon.

スーパーダンガンロンパ2 さよなら絶望学園

Or "Danganronpa 2". One of the better death games.

Okay, my actual favourite might be KIMI GA SHINE (translated as "you're the one to die" or something?) but it's not done yet. Super Danganronpa 2 is the first Danganronpa game I played in Japanese and in my opinion it's even better than the first. How everything falls apart is just spectacular. (Not done 3 yet...)


It is the only one just for me

There's a reason everyone wants a remaster. And later on, Mario & Luigi games followed in this same vein. The creativity of mechanics and the humorous dialogue still stick with me years later.

COMPLETED GAMES | 300+/1500+

Check out my (outdated) Backloggery for more details!

Note: Currently in the process of moving over to HowLongToBeat.

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