Happy New Year! Despite many drawbacks that happened on New Year's Day and the day after, I still want to do what I love doing the most. I think a goal this year is to get in some Fit Boxing and/or Ring Fit every day too. Probably won't happen as much as I wish it would, but I really want it to happen. (And to lose like 20 pounds...sigh)

Games Completed January 2022
里見八犬伝~八珠之記~ | 81 hours | Completed January 2
好きだ! | 3 hours | Completed January 4
ネコぱら - Catboys Paradise | 7 hours | Completed January 6
恋に落ちてはいけない20分 | 2 hours | Completed January 10th
嘘つき姫と盲目王子 | 11 hours | Completed January 21st
三国恋戦記 | 105 hours | Completed January 20th
マイ・メリーバッドエンディング | 2 hours | Completed January 31st
Games in Progress
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon | 34 hours
Final Fantasy III DS | 7+ hours
あさき、ゆめみし (PSP) | ? hours
Some of the games I've played are directed towards a Japanese (+ female) audience. So I've made a bit of a sub-account in which I write reviews for those games since I want to talk about them, too! The thing is, though, these posts are in Japanese and it's a super niche genre, so it's probably distracting to put them here. Instead you can find them on the sub-account. I'll link it just in case, but it's completely in Japanese, so be warned.
Report | January 31st
Most of the stuff I finsihed this month will be talked about (at length) on the sub-account indicated above. I sunk quite a bit of time into these games between work and am pretty satisfied with January's progress, but I still need to get back to a few games I put down and then never picked up again... My personality hates that sort of thing so I try not to do it, but it happens.
Nippon Ichi Software's "Liar Princess and Blind Prince" was the main game I finished this month! Like usual, I played it in its original Japanese, but it's also in English on PS4, Vita, and Switch.
I gotta say though... The English version is 9.99 USD on sale but in Japan it's like 7700 yen on PSN, which is like 77 USD. Are you crazy NIS?! I know games in Japan are usually more expensive than in other regions, but the game took like 8 hours to beat and 10 to full complete (which, by the way, doesn't even net you any special benefits like extra scenes). I guess I'm just not used to the regular prices they have there which are TOO HIGH. No wonder the used game market is so big in Japan.
The game itself was lovely to play. Honestly it was kind of easy even without plenty of quick-saves, but the difficulty isn't the problem since the game is focused on the "journey" the princess takes and the story. I think I remember playing a game a while ago on the Vita called "Yomawari" in Japanese which has very similar graphics, so the game is probably by the same creators, but Yomawari and its sequel Shin Yomawari are horror games and much darker than this. Apparently this game recently got a sequel, too.
The story was very simple and rather fairy-tale-like, but maybe my tear ducts are becoming weaker with every year I age or the game just knew how to hit me in the feels because I freaking sobbed like a little baby during the ending, twice. Great story. Still not worth 7700 yen. Glad I played it on Vita and not Switch/PS4. Anyway, for the English-speaking community, it's probably worth it on sale for 9.99, but if you want to play it in Japanese you'll probably have to hunt for a used copy somewhere unless you're willing to shell out the big bucks.
In other words, I got Pokémon Legends: Arceus in the mail a few days ago and am so excited to play it after I get through all the previous games in the series I have left in the dust. Sorry. But not really sorry. There are too many good games, and not enough time to play them! Doesn't mean I won't gleefully roll in my pile of stacked up games though.
Thanks for reading this far!