It's finally sunny outside! ☀ I'm still busy until the end of the month, but then there's a couple of weeks of vacation before I start summer semester of school. The woes of wanting to graduate early...
Anyway, this month is my birthday month! It's also a good month for games. I'm still playing Pokémon Chou Fushigi no Dungeon but there have been some other really good games on my list.

List of Mobile Games Played in May
This month Kibana finally got added to PokéMasters! Also... Lots of events going on for Golden Week. Mobile games never stop adding stuff, man...
List of Games Playing in May
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon | 40 hours
Iris and the Giant | 10 hours
List of Games Completed in May
Distraint | 4 hours
Distraint 2 | 5 hours
Magic Farm (lol) | 4.5 hours
Report | June 11th
Sorry about the lateness! I'm taking a full summer semester, so I'm completely swamped right now. Also it's freaking hot where I live and is sapping my strength... Anyway, my time was completely eaten by mobile games this month so I didn't get enough done at ALL. I'll do my best to make it up in June! Or July...
The Distraint series was really good, by the way. The second one did a great job following up the first without being cheesy.
Thank you for reading this far!