Hello. It is me again. I've been gaming a lot, though the content is once again very niche. Today, however, I return to gush about the Japanese Nintendo Direct that is happening in a little while! Very excited. Of course, I will also keep my expectations at absolute 0 as should everyone else to maintain a good quality of life.

The one I'm watching "live" is the Japanese version, but I'll come back and add in the US version's differences later on.
English version differences added in italics!
February 2022 Nintendo Direct Overview (Japanese + English)
Ads start half an hour before for the Japanese version.
Mostly for LEGENDS Arceus (one every two seconds) and games included in the Expansion Pack for Nintendo's Online Service. The Japanese port of Banjo-Kazooie is fun to watch.
More ads: Mario Party Superstars. Followed by Big Brain Academy / Yawaraka Atamajuku ads. This one is seriously a lot of fun and highly recommended.
Okay, it's starting now...!
Fire Emblem!??!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Oh, it's Fire Emblem Fuukasetsugetsu Musou / Three Heroes ~A New Hope~
But honestly, it looks amazing
June 24th Worldwide release.
Takahashi Shin'ya here to guide us.
He talks about Fuukasetsugetsu's NEW STORY coming in the game.
Will it be "official?"
Next (English) is an update on the Advance Wars reboot, which has voiced lines now!
Fast forward and reset functions added, local and online multiplayer
April 8th Release, pre-orders open.
I wonder why this wasn't in the Japanese Direct?
Next is a game called FRONT MISSION 1ST remake
Remade for Switch by Forever Entertainment/Square Enix
The freaking music is so good.
Summer 2022 release
Front Mission 2nd also being remade
Taiko no Tatsujin's newest title: Dondaful Festival
Included is Megalovania and many Zelda songs. 76+
Mode to improve on the part of the song you suck at LOL
Four-player mode added
2022 release
500 yen/month subscription plan for songs in the works
Mario Strikers Battle League
"Gear" equipment change stats, a la Mario Kart
Hyper Strike, the Ultimate move, will score 2 points at once
8 person play possible on same system AND ONLINE Club Mode
June 10th release
Preorders open now
Takahashi-san here to talk about Strikers
Splatoon 3 new research revealed!
A rather large "hashira" drops out of the sky. In English it's called a "Fish Stick"
Is this a PVE mode separate from story? The music is freaking amazing
Ikuranage mode: capture the flag? / "Egg Throw" in English
Strange Deep Sea Creature peers out of the ocean
Splatoon 3: Salmon Run NEXT WAVE mode = co-op mode
Summer 2022 release
more info coming soon according to Takahashi-san
No Man's Sky for Switch
Summer 2022 release
In English, Disney Speedstorm is announced
By Gameloft. Free to play game with Seasons updating regularly
Pixar Characters coming
Cross-platform, split-screen, multiplayer
In English, pick-up titles showcased
Star Wars: Force Unleashed releases April 20th
Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection releases with touch screen and HD rumble on February 17th
SD Gundam: Battle Alliance
So it's FGO Gundam version where the past bases of the series has detected some "not right" stuff occurring
2022 release
Pick-up titles:
Portal/Portal 2 collection release for SWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? I never thought I'd see the day
Cuphead The Delicious Last Course DLC releases June 30th
Metroid Dread Free Updates Scheduled:
Dread Mode (1 hit kill mode), Rookie Mode, available NOW
Part 2 update coming with Boss Rush later in April
Chrono Cross Remaster coming to Switch?! WAIT WHAT??????????
It looks kind of janky and is in 4:3 but it's not so bad I think?
Refined BGM, turn off battle encounters!?
Radical Dreamers (story) also published and added?
Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition coming April 7th
Kirby Discovery new gameplay video!
Kirby just ate a car
Kirby just ate a vending machine
Kirby just ate a traffic cone
Kirby just ate a...
Waddle Dee's Town is your hub world where you can get upgrades to your transformations
March 25th release
In English, MLB The Show releases on Switch for the first time!
MLB The Show 22 launches April 5th
Some of the Japanese Angels? Are playing on screen? (Don't know baseball)
Cross-platform play!
Haru yukite retro-tica
A new murder mystery occurring in three parts, four murders
The main character is a girl wearing a kimono? She is a detective who is pinning down the crimes
Live action
5/12 on sale
Pick-up titles number 2
Disney Racing by Gameloft (Speedstorm) coming in June?
Become a Daimyo and overcome the world? In 太閤立志伝V DX coming out May 19
Kingdom Hearts the Bad Cloud versions are out... (Just get the PS4 version like me)
In English, the Portal Companion Collection announced
Coming 2022
Live A Live is being remade in 2DHD
There are seven modes: Genshi-hen, Seibu-hen, Kunfu-hen, Bakumatsu-hen, Gendai-hen, Kinmirai-hen, and SF-hen.
Whoa it's voiced? Is that Kaji-san?
Releases July 12th in Japan, 22nd in Americas
NINTENDO SWITCH SPORTS IS COMING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Help. It's over the Direct is over all we ever wanted has happened
The physical version includes a leg strap
GOSH THE MUSIC my childhood is back
ONLINE SUPPORTED everywhere, friends or random matchmaking
Koizumi Yoshiaki here to demonstrate with Takahashi-san LOL He's in a Switch Soccer Uniform
April 29th Launch
With Leg Band update and Soccer coming in the summer
Golf update in Fall, all free updates
He asks you to help in online test play period on Feb 18 ~ 20th, sign up online
Pick-up titles number 3
Triangle Strategy coming March 4th, 2022
New demo coming now that allows transfer to full game. Chapters 1 ~ 3 included
Klonoa 1&2 encore coming July 8th 2022
Going through the same loop of time to change the end of the story?
Kareru System - everyone has their own moods and requirements
Please don't be a galge... it looks like a galge... but it's also very plot-heavy?
2022 release
Coming soon
Touken Ranbu Musou / 2/18
Voice of Cards Part 2: Dekisokonai Miko / 2/19
Chocobo GP / 3/10
Juusanki Heiboueiken / 4/14 (Demo coming right now)
eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu / 2022
Kimetsu no Yaiba Hinokami Keppuutan 6/10
GetsuFuumaDen / Coming NOW
Coming Soon, English version
Zombie Army 4: Dead War / April 26
GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon / Available now
Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hinokami Keppuutan / June 10
Lego Brawls / June 2022
Two Point Campus / May 17
Nintendo Switch Online additions
MOTHER! the music is so freaking nostalgic, my childhood
Coming NOW to FC/SFC virtual console
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Takahashi-san says DLC is coming?
New paid DLC! Remastered courses from 48 different past courses!
So basically a whole new game?????
6 passes of 8 courses coming throughout end of 2023, supported online!
All together, 2500 yen / preorders open
Or you can play it for free in the Expansion Pack of the NSO
One More Thing
A boy plays a flute
Sorry, give me a second to collect myself
Xenoblade 3
Coming 2022 September
That's it, we're done, I'm done, pack it up boys...
This Direct was actually seriously amazing, especially Xenoblade, which basically made my entire year and then some. Now when will they remaster X? Just kidding. But not really.
I gotta say, the voice acting for Fire Emblem Musou and Xenoblade 3 are EXCELLENT in Japanese, and the LIVE A LIVE voice acting is also stellar. But the English is kind of...... (cough) Anyway I'll just play the games in Japanese.
Speaking of Fire Emblem Musou, but Beleth (Female) is way too pretty in that trailer. Soooo is she the main Beleth in this game then? Because I am not complaining.
I think I'm the only person going to be happy about the Mario Kart 8 DLC waves, because this is essentially giving us Mario Kart 9 for 25 USD. Come on, 48 courses with online is really freaking good for that price, and MK8DX is perfect already. I think it's weirder to complain about not having to pay for a new game for 60 USD instead, but what do I know...
On the other hand, everyone is probably excited out of their minds for Mario Strikers Battle League. The Wii Mario Strikers was apparently really good.
Also, we're starting to see how Nintendo will be using the Expansion Pack. With Animal Crossing HHP and MK8DX's expansion, it's probably pretty much worth the money already. That's a fifty-dollar value, though it is yearly.
I seriously didn't expect them to announce Switch Sports this late into the game but I am NOT complaining. Going to get the physical version fo' sho'.
Speaking of unexpected, Valve finally released their games on the Switch?! What the heck??? Actually I know why. Probably because the Steam Deck is coming out, so they are okay with non-exclusivity now since it'll probably print them a lot of money.
(As someone who has reserved their Steam Deck already I see no point in double-dipping though...)
They seriously are remastering every game I was too young to know about. Front Mission, LIVE A LIVE, etc. are games I am eager to discover, not to mention Advance Wars which I played the beep out of on GBA. Actually, I think Advance Wars might be being remade by someone who is not Japanese, since they didn't so much as mention it once during the Japan Direct.
The two Japan only games I would keep an eye out are (1) LOOP8, although temper your expectations for this one, and (2) Haru yukite retro-tica (春ゆきてレトロチカ), which seriously looks interesting and is made by Square. The live action thing turns me off a little though.
Okay, enough rambling from me -- I will now continue to play video games and try not to freak out about Xenoblade 3 existing.
Thanks for reading this far!