Hello! I had the E3 stream on all day while doing homework for summer classes, but it was really lacklustre until -- surprisingly -- the Freedom Games publisher showcase, which highlighted a few good ones. But we all know that today's big star is Capcom!

Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Ace Attorney are on the docket today.
Resident Evil VILLAGE
Impressed by the launch
A trailer that is very light on the horror
Kanda Tsuyoshi, the producer, talks about the game
RE: VERSE will go live next month, it's a multiplayer game!
Additional DLC for VILLAGE has begun development
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin | July 9th
The English voice over is really not very good I'm sorry... They also go like 1/4th English accents and 3/4 American? accents and it's kind of weird.
Story trailer showing off just a little bit of gameplay, but the voices are in Japanese in game which is hilarious LOL
Power of Friendship speech x1000
Free title updates featured / 1st one comes July 15th
June 25th: free demo available
More stuff we've seen before
Monster Hunter Rise
Coming June & July, collabs with Monster Hunter Stories 2 coming
I really can't take the English voice overs help me it's so jarring and does not fit with the game
version 3.1 coming with downloadable event quests and rewards June 24th
Did that guy just drop an F-bomb in game?
Paid DLC coming too through July
Ace Attorney Chronicles (Dai Gyakuten Saiban) | July 27th
Very glad that the game is getting a localization although I've already played the first game on the 3DS
Giving them a "British accent" sort of works? Maybe
The freaking SOUNDTRACK IS ALWAYS SO GOOD I have listened to it for 50+ hours and still love it
The problem is, the English publication of the game only has English (no Japanese) so I'll have to buy the game in Japan eShop lol I am NEVER playing a Gyakuten Saiban in English ever again if I can help it. I really disagree with the direction Capcom has taken with localization even though I respect it!
A scene from the demo/Case 2 of the first game is shown off
RobTV and Vicious here to talk about Capcom Pro Tour 2021 and Fighters which I have no interest in LOL
SFV talking
It doesn't really surprise me that they didn't give much away... but it did surprise me that they only showed three games! (Rise is already out.) Come on Capcom...
Well, I will probably get Dai Gyakuten Saiban when it goes on sale in Japan sometime later so I can play the second game. The first game was REALLY good even if the collection is a port from 2016.
Of course, the real meat and potatoes comes tomorrow with the Nintendo Direct which we are all on the edges of our seats for. I cannot tell you how excited I am to see whatever they have in store. (Though, I always go in with no expectations!)
See you tomorrow!